CITIZED: Guidelines and toolbox for a whole-school approach in citizenship education

The adoption of a whole-school approach to teaching citizenship education ensures that all aspects of school life, including decision making structures and processes, teaching methods, practices and resources, and staff and pupil behaviours and relations, reflect democratic and human rights principles.
The guidelines are based on the Council of Europe’s Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture and it includes both theoretical explanations and practical tools for a whole-school approach in citizenship education.
The publication can be used to learn important concepts and approaches, or as a ‘toolbox’ for a school development process, and a framework in specific topics like digital citizenship education.
- Published by: CITIZED project
- Year: 2023
- Languages available: EN, DE, FR, IT
- Read online: CITIZED guidelines and toolbox
Additional information
Age from:16
Age to:18
Education type:School Education
Target audience:TeacherStudent Teacher
Target audience ISCED:Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)Upper secondary education (ISCED 3)