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European Quality Label

The European Quality Label evaluates the work of all teachers and students participating in an eTwinning project. Projects that earn a European Quality Label are highest ranking projects that received the National Quality Label. These projects showcase examples of successful European collaboration.
eTwinning European Quality Label

How can I apply for a European Quality Label?

There is no need to apply for a European Quality Label. The label is awarded by the Central Support Service (CSS) to teachers involved in a project where the following criteria have been met:

  • The teacher has been nominated for the European Quality Label by at least one National Support Organisation (NSO) after a screening process. Every NSO puts forward the top 25% of projects awarded National Quality Labels based on their quality score.
  • The project includes at least two partners that have received a National Quality Label. 

European Quality Labels are only awarded once a year, and the winners are announced on the European School Education Platform. 

National projects (with two founders from the same country), which at a later stage add partners from another European country, are not eligible for the European Quality Label.

You must have a European Quality Label for your project to be eligible for a European eTwinning prize