Green, STEAM and Cultural education. Outdoor exploration, study and story-telling (Padua)
Innovative and up-to-date methods and tools based on good practices and on a solid cultural-based and European evidence, a digital library of key-contents, trans-national classes and full and individual assistance, before during and after the mobility. Towards the innovation of European education.
*** Watch this video to start discovering the beauty of Padua! ***
- Day 1: Tangible heritage
- Presentation of participants and team-building
- Guided walking tour, observation and study of the city centre, with a professional tour leader
Day 2: UNESCO Mediterranean diet
- Italian cooking and UNESCO Mediterranean diet: features, social and cultural values
- Laboratory of Cooking
- Common meal: enjoying together what we prepared during the day!
Day 3: Non-formal education for cultural and environmental heritage workshop
- What is the cultural heritage? What can be done to protect and promote our cultural and environmental heritage?
- Non-formal education for different subjects and key competences: introduction and overview of some good practice methods and tools
- Indoor & outdoor, digital & analogical team workshop
Day 4: Padua environmental and cultural landscape observation
- Guided laboratory of observation and study of the environment and nature of Padua (canals, walls and gardens) through non-formal education methods and tools
- Story-telling through traditional and digital tools
Day 5: UNESCO & Intangible heritage
- Observation of the traditional outdoor and indoor at the famous Piazza delle Erbe markets and guided visit to one of the UNESCO cultural heritage sites
- Planning the follow up: future projects together
- Course evaluation
- Releasing of official course certifications.
DAILY TIMETABLE The total number of hours is about 25. Each daily session (average number of hours per day is 5) includes:
- class/lecture/laboratory/workshop
- sharing and interactions among participants
- individual counselling
- formative assessment.
Leisure activities after the training session can be organised on request. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
For any further information (dates, discounts, accommodation, etc), do not hesitate to contact us: education@enjoyitaly.org or WhatsApp
We will be delighted to find the best solutio
Learning objectives
1. Encourage the exploration of the rich and diverse cultural and environmental heritage of Padua; 2. Understanding principles, methods and tools to implement Green, STEAM and Cultural education; 3. Celebrate, understand and protect the unique value of cultural and environmental heritage; 4. Acquiring non-formal education methods and tools to foster students’ exploration, studying and representation of the cultural and environmental heritage; 5. Exploring different outdoor education methods and tools; 6. Fostering different creative languages and improving the usage of digital tools; 7. Stimulating reflection and innovative ideas for a sustainable development of our cultural and environmental heritage.
Methodology & assessment
Since this course has several features in common with other courses (as you can check on this platform), sometimes participants will be all together, sometimes with some other participants, sometimes alone, depending on the specific programme. In this way we also intend to foster the cooperation and exchange between them all, as well as the knowledge of other school education systems and practices.
Our training course has a horizontal and practical approach and will make use of the following methods and tools:
• interactivity
• team-building and team-working
• good-practice case-studies
• multimedia
• project-based learning
• practical labs
• brainstorming
• role-playing
• self and group assessment and evaluation
• formative assessment.
After the confirmation and before starting, we will check the previous knowledge and experience of participants, as well as their specific needs. In addition, we will provide some documents and learning contents of our “Library of Methods & Tools” in order to start getting involved in topics and subjects that will be taught.
All participants are expected to maintain access and communication with the rest of their colleagues as well as with the trainer and participate in useful discussions either through the virtual classroom platform and via e-mail. Trainers and company will also be available for any further questions for a period of 6 months after the end of the course, either through e-mail, LMS or WhatsApp. In this way, we aim to get an effective follow-up, to stimulate peer networking, to keep in touch and to share opinions, experiences and practices for unlimited time
Certification details
At the end of the course, each participant will be awarded with a certificate of attendance containing all relevant information.
Europass Mobility Certificate: we will provide text and information to support sending organisations in their application process. And we will finally validate, sign and issue the document.
Additional documents will be issued on request.
Pricing, packages and other information
Additional information
Target audience ISCED:Primary education (ISCED 1)Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)Upper secondary education (ISCED 3)
Target audience type:TeacherHead Teacher / PrincipalNot-for-profit / NGO staff
Learning time:25 hours or more
Upcoming sessions
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