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eTwinning Seminar
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eTwinning Seminar in Graz: "eTwinning & Erasmus+ projects"

This seminar will be held in Graz, Austria, April 09-11, and will bring together around 60 participants from 13 different countries.

The participants have been selected by their NSOs.

Starts at: 09.04.2025
Duration: 2 days
Graz, Austria

Event information


This seminar will be held in Graz, Austria, April 09-11, and will bring together around 60 participants from 13 different countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, Georgia, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway and The Netherlands.


The main aims of this seminar are:

- get to know colleagues from Europe
- find one or more partner schools
- learn about methods for teaching foreign languages
- learn how the eTwinning platform can be used for virtual collaboration
- develop international eTwinning projects

Additional information

  • Language:
  • Venue:
    Hotel Weitzer, Grieskai 12/14
  • City, Country:
    Graz, Austria