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Wellbeing through STREAM

Project schools attempt to explore the annual theme of well-being through a series of ice-breaking tasks and STREAM core activities


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Project presentation at school (10PSKarditsa)



The students of the 10th Primary School of Karditsa presented our project to younger students of our school last Tuesday and inspired future eTwinners!

Overall assessment quiz



10PSKarditsa students got reaaly motivated while doing the overall assessment quiz this morning!


Follow the link to assess the knowledge you gained from the whole project or click on the Play now button below

Students' 2nd online meeting

2nd meeting

It was a fruitful and fun meeting!!!👍👏😀

Students' 2nd meeting_27th May 2024

The wrap-up elaboration meeting was completely successful. Partners from meet-schools managed to interact successfully and complete five tasks (i.e. STEAM:Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Maths ), delivering a Canva-cube art collage, pictures and captions, a paper fortune-teller with advice on happiness as well as a maths activity with ten tasks delivering the well-being of its results.


Thank you partners for this wonderful experience!!!

Students' evaluation (10PSKarditsa)

The 6th graders of the 10th Primary School of Karditsa have been working on the project evaluation filling in the Evaluation Questionnaire, answering the Evaluation questions and commenting on their partners' posts on the forum.



Online meeting

It was really great meeting you all, sharing positive messages, thoughts and ideas, relaxing and playing with you!








Students' meeting to promote well-being at school

Students from the partner schools meet online to share positive messages and activities that make them happy, to play a game of well-being Bingo and a "well-being through Science" Quizziz.


Getting ready for the students' meeting_13th PS Helioupolis


Preparing our infographic positive messages... Looking forward to the meeting on Monday!

Getting ready for ths students' meeting...



Writing positive messages and preparing the 4-square Bingo Board for the students' meeting.


We can't wait to meet our partners!