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European School Education Platform
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R.E.P.O.W.E.R. - Recover Earth, Protect Our World, Empower Resources



Created by nilgün sezer
Last updated by nilgün sezer 4 months 3 weeks ago


 Internet provides us with the opportunity to access knowledge, to communicate, to develop our skills and to make friends, but we can also be exposed to harmful content and many kinds of risks. We are all concerned about the students' privacy and esafety, that's why we decided to start our project by involving  pupils in activities that can help them to understand eTwinning spirit and the importance of these issues connected to the use of the web on Safer Internet Day 2024 with partners.We collected our works on an ebook to share and disseminate on different platforms our activites.



students will:

  • learn that the information they share online leaves a digital footprint or "trail"
  • understand why privacy online is important
  • explore what information is OK to be shared online
  • learn how to protect their privacy rights
  • reflect on their responsibilities as creators and users of creative works
  • become responsible and kind users of the web
  • be able to take the rights steps at the point of their own development and the requirements of the age