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IDEAs - four-leaf clover of future



Created by Peter Varga
Last updated by Peter Varga 5 months 1 week ago

General information about the project: 


The name of the project: Accredited project - IDEAs - four-leaf clover of future


The number of the project: 2023-1-SK01-KA121-SCH-000117350



Description of the project: The project is about cooperation between Slovak and Greek primary schools in the following fields, which we consider as important: The future of education is IDEAs: I = Inclusion in school - education for all pupils without prejudice D = Digitalisation in school - new technologies, applications and approaches E = Environmental edcuation - environmetal issues awareness As = Active school in European school network The schools create the bank of cooperation activities for pupils, teachers and schools focusing on the areas mentioned above. These blended activities will be carried out before, during and after group mobility of Slovak pupils in Greek school. The activities and their outcomes will be published on eTwinning platform. The group mobility of Slovak pupils will be realised by program Erasmus+.


Aims of the project (Slovak accreditation):

  • To be a school with equal access to education. 
  • To be a school with environmental awareness. 
  • To be a school of digital excellence. 
  • To be an active part of the European educational space


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