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#Healthy lifestyle#Wellbeing


Activity 3_Cookery book

Created by Isabella Ciovlica
Last updated by Carmen Alexandra MIRICIOIU 8 months 2 weeks ago

Cookery book activity

1.Children and teachers upload different local recipes to the Padlet. - minimum 3 per partner/ class

Collaborative final product  - International cookbook 

At the end of the recipe - we have to note: 
 a. the number of calories per portion, using MyFitnessPal application or other app.

 b . the amount of exercise needed to burn all the calories, using any sports application or google informations. 

2. OPTIONAL - Kids and teachers will create and upload a video cake recipe proposed at point 1.
 Completion term: February, 19 

3. Each class  will choose a recipe that belongs to another class/ country and try to prepare it   in the classroom or other place . Will take pictures during the process ok make a video and we will upload in padlet. 
 Completion term: March, 1 

4. We will upload all the recipes in a Cookery book (digital and text) and  QR codes with the videos will be associated to recipe. We will publish it and have it in our homes. 

EVALUATION: We created accounts for students. They connected to the platform and wrote feedback for the activity.


 It was a wonderful experience to prepare tiramisu. We had a great time!!!! Yammyyyy!


In Portugal we chose to cook the spanish tortilha. It was delicious!


4A_Romania We tried the Portuguese omelette. Delicious!!! And...I made pancakes at school!!!! It was amazing!!!

pancakes at school


EVALUATION: We created accounts for students and insert them in QR codes. They connected to the platform and wrote feedback for the activity.