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Seminars, webinars

Created by Miriam Salinas
Last updated by Miriam Salinas 3 months 3 weeks ago

Dear teacher, please, insert here dissemination evidences related to: workshops, webinars, seminars where you have participated and shown the project.



IES MEDINA ALBAIDA (Spain) participated in 2 eTwinning trainning sessions for teachers about eTwinning provided by  CP María de Ávila and  CP Juan de Lanuza (Aragón) where some Green Job results were showed to the partipants on 13 and 22 February 2024 on IES Gallicum (Zuera, Zaragoza) and CPI Val de la Atalaya (María de Hueva, Zaragoza).


Trainning sessions



Paulo Santos: Apicultor e Escritor /
Beekeeper and Writer
eTwinning project "Green Jobs"


We carried out a dissemination activity in our school to present our project to a wider audience. To raise awareness and understanding about the importance of green jobs, we invited a beekeeper who talked about the importance of bees and beekeeping to the world. We learned that Audi  is carrying out a research project to analyse bee behaviour. 



Slovakia Green Jobs - Job Shadowing

Dissemination of project Green Jobs during Job Shadowing.

During Job Shadowing we introduced our project to Spanish teachers. Our students had presentation and showed each part of our project explaining how it works. Showed our results, knowledges about project. At the end of our presentations, spanish teachers and our students played quiz named kahoot together.


Job Shadowing

 Teachers on our school had a seminar about platform eTwinning. And during a presentation they learned how the platform works. Our project Green Jobs was shown to them and explained how it works and also we showed them our progress of our product.

Seminars and webinars documentation
eTwinning Road Póvoa de Varzim/Vila do Conde - 11 May 2024
eTwinning Road Póvoa de Varzim/Vila do Conde - 11 May 2024

eTwinning Road Póvoa de Varzim/Vila do Conde - 11 May 2024

Programme - eTwinning Road Póvoa de Varzim/Vila do Conde - 11 May 2024

Programme - eTwinning Road Póvoa de Varzim/Vila do Conde - 11 May 2024

Job Shadowing