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Faster, Higher, Stronger - with Friends


Our Grandparents' Games

Created by Petra Plíhalová
Last updated by Petra Plíhalová 3 months 4 weeks ago

Grandparents' Games from Czechia

On Wednesday we invited our grandparents to school to teach us the games they played when they were children. The finding was that quite a lot of children knew the games and that they had not changed much. I have selected 2 games to present at the meeting in Latvia.


Mrs. Stork lost his cap 


  • Children move around the space.  

  • The catcher says the rhyme: 

"Mr Stork lost his cap, 

What colour did it have? 

It had the colour ..." (The catcher specifies which colour.) 

  • The chase begins. The children must find the colour in the space and then touch it. If they touch the colour, they are saved. If he catches someone that one is the catcher instead of him.  

  • The game continues with the rhyme, and other colours. 


space = prostor...  .  catcher = chytač ...stork = čáp .... rhyme = rýmovačka 

chase = honička .... touch = dotknout se ...saved = zachráněn, v bezpečí 

instead of = místoněčeho/někoho ...specify = určit  


Game of the Waterman 

Get ready: 

  • Playing area: a strip of land, 10 - 20 meters wide, representing the river 

  • Players stand on both sides, banks. 

  • The task is to cross the river to the other side, bank, without being caught. 

  • In the river, the strip of land, there is a waterman, who catches the runners. 

How to play:  

  • The waterman names a colour.  

  • All players must cross the river to the other side, bank. 

  • Those who have that colour on them can cross the river and cannot be caught. 

  • The one who is caught becomes the waterman. 


waterman = vodník ...strip = pruh ...wide = široký = břeh 

task = úkol ...without = bez ...caught = chycen ...become = stát se 

without being caught = bez toho, že by bylchycen ....cannot be caught = nemůžebýtchycen 







Latvian Games







Latvian Grandparents` game


''Jumping game''

You need elastic band 3m and at least 3 players