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European School Education Platform
Winning logo

Exploring the Vibrant World of Street Art



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Tour of murals in Fene

Today all the students of 3rd Eso went on a tour to visit the 6 murals in Fene. In groups, they took some photos and videos of the murals. At the same time, they had to find some hidden questions to answer in a questionnaire the PE teacher (Pedro) had given them before the tour. And also, the Art teacher (Luisa) encouraged them to find different shapes and take photos of some interesting things they found on the way. It was a fun day!!

Looking forward to our next online meeting!

Hi everybody!

After our online meeting today all the students are eager to take part in another one. Specially my students, as they couldn’t talk to you due to technical problems. We hope to meet you again soon!

Winning logo

We already have the winning logo, so congratulations to the winner from IES de Mugardos!!!! Congratulations too to all those who presented a logo for the contest, thanks a lot for your effort.

Logo Voting: Delayed

Our ´Logo Voting' date has been put off due to the amount of proposals posted: 45 creations from the 5 high schools taking part in this project!

Yesterday we - all the teachers - agreed on voting the best ones (2-3) in every school to have 10-15 for the final choice. A new section ('Best Logos from Each School') has been added to the 'Logo Page'. Hopefully, we'll be able to vote for the winner by the end of the week, so...

Good luck for everyone!


This week the students of all the schools involved are presenting their proposals of logos to represent the project. Once all of them are uploaded, there will be a post to choose the best one. Good luck!!