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Get well soon


I convey my best wishes to all our citizens who were affected by the earthquake that occurred in Kahramanmaraş and was felt in many parts of our country.We will heal our wounds together.Get well soon.

'Thank You' Message


Dear colleagues and students;

Thank you for your participation in our first 'chatroom' activity.We shared a lot of things about  'cyberbullying' with each other.

Thank You Message

Hi our dear colleagues and students,
It was a great honor to both take part in this useful and informative project and to work with you. Me and my students are very happy to be a part of this project and we would like to thank you very much. Thanks to the project, we communicated with many teachers and students both from Turkey and abroad, and we completed our project in great harmony. Thanks to our activities in our project, the main goal of which is to raise awareness about cyberbullying, we have created a great awareness both in our students and in our school. In addition, our students who participated in the project took an active part and experienced a noticeable improvement in their language and technology use skills. It has been an incredible experience and collaborative process for us that both entertains and teaches.
Here I would like to thank all our partners again. Hope to see you in future projects.


The dissemination was carried out through presentations and information by the students, in the classes where I teach.
Personally, I disseminated this project when we celebrated 140 years of our school existence, on 16-th of May 2023 during the Symposium of reports and communications of students and teaching staff "From Spiru Haret..."

Diploma de participare obtinuta la Simpozionul din 16.05.2023


Our students really worked hard for their project and their works have been appreciated via ceremony.

While our students take their certificates for their works.

Thank you message...

Thank you so much, dear partners, for your contributions to this interesting and fun project.I'm writing to thank you very much for your outstanding support of our eTwinning effort.Once more, it has been an amazing trip, and your support and commitment have been essential to its accomplishment.We succeeded in fostering an environment where we have been working together as instructors and holding workshops with the kids for years.Particularly throughout the events, our pupils were really engaged and improved their linguistic and technological abilities.Working with my partners has been a huge help because of their enthusiasm for motivating all the children to complete the exercises.


My dear partners, thank you so much for your contributions for this informative and enjoyable project.I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for your remarkable contribution to our eTwinning project .It has been an incredible journey again, and your partnership and dedication have played a pivotal role in its success.We created such an athmoshere that we have been collaborating and having workshops all together  as teachers and with the students for years.Our students have been very active ,especially for the activities  and enhanced their language and digital  skills.At this point I am so grateful , working with my partners  because of their being very energetic to direct all the students to work on all the activities."Thanks for all the student participants for their contribution for the project.Hope to see and work with you in the future again. Take care, love you all...

DISSEMINATION (Alev BÖĞÜRCÜ-Atatürk Anatolian High School)

All the projects in our school are promoted in "eTwinning Street" in the school corridor and all the students and teachers appriciated them so much. Congrats to all project participants.




Certificates were given to our students. 

Nilay PEKDEMİR/ Selahattin Eyyubi Anatolian Religious High School/ ISTANBUL/ TURKİYE
