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Archaeofood 2030


Project overview

Created by Rosalia Pagoto
Last updated by Alejandro Agulló Llaudet 1 year 4 months ago

Archaeofood 2030: (Re)discovering Mediterranean traditional eating habits for a more sustainable  future world.

The idea of the project stems from  previous collaborations  between IIS Florio of Erice-Trapani and the Olivar Gran Institute of Figueres.  The involved institutes share some basic  educational needs / priorities:

- acquire the social and educational values of the European cultural heritage;

- train new generations to face 21st century challenges, promoting open- mindness and critical thinking;

- develop institutional partnerships to support the implementation of an international education.

The project consists in a set of virtual activities on the eTwinning platform, aimed to encourage the students first to exchange information and to get to know each other, their hometowns  and their schools,  then to explore the history/origins of the staple foods in Mediterranean area  by analysing archaelogical testimonies or documents , to compare the production methods of ancient times to modern techniques and to estimate whether these new  techniques are  sustainable and respectful of Agenda 2030 goals. Finally, the will sum up their considerations in a common video/teaser making suggestions or giving  practical advice in order to preserve  timeless traditions, environmental balance and social equity in the rediscovery of sustainable production patterns.