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European School Education Platform

Contact and support


eTwinning is where eTwinners find each other, set up projects, communicate and network. In eTwinning you can get updated about eTwinning, the activities of your colleagues around Europe, and get the best out of the programme.

From the topbar you reach all the main areas of the platform.

What Where in eTwinning
Home Click on eTwinning (2) to load the Home page. Click on Home (4) to return from any other subpage in eTwinning. Click on breadcrumb (3) to navigate back to eTwinning Home page.
Your profile Click on Your profile picture (1)
Communicate, exchange and share Go to My Groups (4)
Create and manage projects Go to My Projects (4)
Notifications Click on Your profile picture (1)
Mailbox Click on the envelope icon that you can find on the left of your profile picture (1)
Language selector Click on the message icon that you can find on the left of the envelope icon (1)
Shortcuts to different areas of the platform Click on Your profile picture and/or the clustered icon from the right of your profile picture (1)