Understood.org – for learning and thinking differences

Over the past decade, Understood has helped over 70 million people by raising awareness and offering expert-driven resources. It has developed a comprehensive support system to help individuals thrive in education, the workplace and daily life.
The organisation’s primary focus is assisting children and young adults with learning difficulties by providing guidance to parents and teachers on how to support them, enabling them to reach their full potential.
Their website provides a variety of tools, expert advice and personalised recommendations, including articles, videos and community support. It covers key topics such as school struggles, stress and anxiety, focus and attention, social skills, emotional well-being, the development of executive functioning skills and more. These resources help identify and address challenges in areas like reading, writing, maths, organisation and social skills.
In addition to its educational tools, Understood also promotes workplace inclusivity, providing resources for employers and employees for creating accommodating and productive environments for individuals with cognitive differences. Through advocacy and awareness, the organisation seeks to eliminate stigma and promote inclusivity for people with diverse learning needs.
Further reading
Additional information
Education type:Early Childhood Education and CareSchool Education
Funding source:Private funding
Intervention level:Universal
Intervention intensity:Ongoing
Participating countries:United States
Target audience:TeacherStudent TeacherHead Teacher / PrincipalPedagogical AdviserSchool PsychologistTeacher EducatorGovernment / policy makerResearcherParent / Guardian
Target audience ISCED:Early childhood education (ISCED 0)Primary education (ISCED 1)Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)Upper secondary education (ISCED 3)