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Insights from eTwinning workshops on numeracy

These eTwinning workshops addressed numeracy at all levels, from preschool and primary to secondary and initial vocational education and training (IVET).
Teacher holding a pencil with two students
Max Fischer / Pexels

Nearly 230 teachers, representing pre-primary, primary, secondary and vocational schools, participated in online eTwinning workshops on 25 and 27 February 2025 to explore approaches to numeracy education.  


Applying numeracy to everyday challenges 

The Improving numeracy education – overcoming challenges workshop on 25 February was tailored to secondary and IVET teachers. The session explored strategies to develop pupils’ numeracy skills in more inclusive ways and in real-world contexts.  

Presenting at the workshop, Kees Hoogland, Professor at the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, emphasised the importance and relevance of numeracy in the real world. He explained how numeracy can help improve peoples’ self-efficacy in many real-life situations. 

“It is numeracy when it is closely connected with reality, it is meant to improve the self-efficacy of people and large numbers of people can understand it.”  

Aspects of numerate behaviour, Kees Hoogland

Image: Aspects of numerate behaviour, Kees Hoogland 


Workshop leader Anita Šimac discussed the importance of connecting numeracy with contemporary challenges, noting: 

“[we have to] connect numeracy with real-world challenges, integrate sustainability and digital wellbeing into teaching, and promote inclusivity in numeracy.” 

This approach ensures that pupils see the relevance of numeracy in their everyday lives and are equipped with the skills they will need in the future. 


Innovative approaches to teaching early numeracy 

The Innovation in early numeracy education: overcoming challenges workshop on 27 February was targeted at early childhood and primary teachers. The attendees explored how to enhance primary-level numeracy education by balancing play-based and formal teaching methods.  

In his presentation Enrico Pollarolo, Assistant Professor at the University of Stavanger, Norway, highlighted the importance of promoting critical thinking, problem-solving and creativity in young learners. He presented ways that mathematics and coding toys can be used to support children’s cognitive development.  

The workshop by Paula Walshe, lecturer, researcher and published author, looked into how to use interdisciplinary approaches with young children, noting that that science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics (STEAM) is already embedded in the world around us. She explained how tailored activities give children tools to engage with their environment and to feel confident and capable as leaners.  


STEAM and numeracy in play, Paula Walshe

Image: STEAM and numeracy in play, Paula Walshe 


Both workshops emphasised creative ways to make numeracy more interesting and applicable, and emphasised its significance in education. These online sessions help to bring new ideas into numeracy teaching by encouraging cooperation and exchange of best practice between teachers. 


Find out more 

If you are interested in learning more, join the eTwinning group on Mathematics, science and other STEM topics (only for validated eTwinners).  

Additional information

  • Education type:
    School Education
  • Target audience ISCED:
    Primary education (ISCED 1)
    Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)

About the authors

Editorial team

The European School Education Platform editorial team is made up of writers with wide-ranging experience in school education, communication and online media. The team works closely with the European Commission to publish editorial content on current issues in European school education and news from the eTwinning community.

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