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European School Education Platform


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Projects (17)

We aim to ensure that children, who are our future in a rapidly growing and changing world, learn first their own culture and then the cultures of other countries. By actively using web 2.0 tools...

The "Fairy Tales from the Past to the Present" Project aims to develop cultural awareness, understanding, imagination and productivity among children aged 5-14. By exploring different cultures...

With this project we want our children to exchange traditions and socio-cultural aspects (their favorite books, the music our students listen to, their dances, their favorite games, movies, drawings...

Since the beginning of his existence, man has been in the middle of nature using all its gifts. Protecting the planet "Earth", the home of all of us, is a problem that must concern us all, adults and...

With the development of technology, communication and interaction has increased and the world has shrunk. Traditions, customs, language, religious literature, clothing, architecture, food, etc. of...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Easter Egg is the most popular symbol of Easter ever! We would like an Easter Egg to become a European one. Let's create an original Easter Egg which will be connected with particular European country...

National Quality Label

Proiectul vizează cele patru anotimpuri: primăvara, vara, toamna și iarna și toate elementele specifice legate de condițiile meteorologice, schimbările în natură și activitățile sezoniere ale...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics) is an instructional design with different systematic structures that enable students to solve problems they may encounter throughout their lives with...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label