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European School Education Platform


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Projects (44)

The "Unity in Diversity" eTwinning project aims to explore the differences and similarities in learning English across various cultures and countries. Through collaborative activities, students will...

Projemiz okulöncesi çağındaki çocuklara dünyamıza yön veren kişileri tanıtmak üzerine kurulmuştur.

National Quality Label

Our project is designed to enable our students to become aware of the beauties of nature and to protect nature, to leave a sustainable environment for the future, to protect the world we live in, and...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

The program aims to encourage students to collaborate with different schools by getting acquainted with those schools and presenting their own school.

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

4-11 yaş öğrencilerinin yeni bilgiler öğrenmeye ve araştırmaya olan meraklarının keşfedildiği neden sonuç ilişkisini görebilecekleri çevrelerini ve doğayı deneylerle tanıyacakları bilim insanları...

National Quality Label

À l'ère numérique, nous sommes constamment exposés à des informations, des questions politiques aux publicités et campagnes marketing, qui ne nous parviennent pas sans un filtre autre que notre propre...

National Quality Label

Kolejna odsłona cyklicznego projektu, w którym chcemy uczcić polskie święto narodowe i ponad 100 lat niepodległości kraju - Narodowe Święto Niepodległości obchodzone 11 listopada. Zespoły tworzą...

National Quality Label

Our aim in the project; developing our students' research skills, creating permanent learning by doing experiments; to expanding the use of web 2.0 tools while gaining the skills to wonder, examine...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label