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European School Education Platform


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Projects (11)

Il progetto nasce per far sentire ad alunni e docenti che non sono soli, che questo isolamento forzato che dobbiamo osservare è qualcosa che ci separa, ma che allo stesso ci avvicina, perché tutti...

National Quality Label

The aim is to introduce the children to the various games in the past and to compare them with the games they play today. The children would share and learn about modern and old games together with...

National Quality Label

To encourage our schools,especially the ones in rural areas to find solutions to their problems by making projects so that teachers and students get familiar with projects.Our teachers and students...

National Quality Label

Citizenship is the central theme and the purpose of the proposal is to enable the students to play a more entertaining course in transdisciplinarity, in addition to developing other skills...

National Quality Label

This TwinSpace is for the participants of the eTwinning Multilateral Seminar in Lisbon, on the 12th, 13th, 14th April 2018. You can find all the information about the seminar and also information...

Grâce à ce projet les élèves italiens auront la chance de connaître la culture , les moeurs et les traditions des pays européens. Les objectifs principaux de ce projet sont: - connaissance de la...

-To encourage our schools, especially the ones in rural areas to find solutions to their problems by making projects so that teachers and students get familiar with projects. -Our teachers and...

National Quality Label

To encourage our schools, especially the ones in rural areas to find solutions to their problems by making projects so that teachers and students get familiar with projects. Our teachers and students...

National Quality Label