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European School Education Platform


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Projects (6)

Children learn to discover Nature and find Fibonacci Numbers in local surroundings. Forming and working as groups they fulfill their goals. Pupils use different ICT skills to actualize their aims. To...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Our goal in this project is to attract attention to zero waste, recycling and reusing. We want to raise awareness on the environmental consciousness. We want to make our students realize how much...

National Quality Label

The age range of our project is 5-16 years. We will give coding (programming) training to our students in accordance with age groups starting from the basic information with the studies done in the...

National Quality Label

The project is related to a dangerous subject that threatens the youth and society in general. It is one of the latest and most difficult problems in our time, which must be addressed and finding...

National Quality Label

Projemizin yaş aralığı 4-11 yaştır. Projede yapılan çalışmalarla öğrencilerimize kitap okuma alışkanlığı kazandıracağız, kitap okumaya teşvik edeceğiz, okuduklarını kendi içi dünyalarıyla drama...

National Quality Label

Doğayı korumak hepimizin görevi.Çünkü doğa bizim evimiz.Okullarımızda, çevremizde ve yaşadığımız şehirde kağıt atıkları bilinçli bir şekilde toplayarak çevre kirliliğini önlemeyi düşünüyoruz.Daha...

National Quality Label