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European School Education Platform


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Projects (49)

Die Anekdote ist sehr wichtig für die Kulturen.Zum Beispiel Nasredddin Hodja ist berühmt seine Anekdote in der Türkei.Auch Till Eulenspiegel ist berühmt in Deutschland.Wir möchten die Anekdote...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Raising individuals suitable for the age we live in should be one of the main goals of education. STEM; It is an educational approach that has many benefits in terms of raising individuals who are...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Send one Christmas card to every school on the list with "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year" inside written in your mother tongue. Traditional Christmas cards are best, something that symbolises your...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Children learn to discover Nature and find Fibonacci Numbers in local surroundings. Forming and working as groups they fulfill their goals. Pupils use different ICT skills to actualize their aims. To...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

The increase in screen time of students during the pandemic period has increased the importance of reading books. It has become even more important to improve the quality of education, increase...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

We will seek an answer to the question of what is media literacy. We will raise awareness with students by organizing events on media literacy. We will make sure that students reconsider their...

National Quality Label

We are five schools united across Europe for the same purpose. We want to design and produce entrepreneurship products by combining the club activities we do in our schools with this project...

National Quality Label

Starting a fun and interactive project to teach our own country geography with as many partners as possible. The objective is to do a classroom e-postcards exchange . Pupils will be exposed to parts...

National Quality Label