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European School Education Platform


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Projects (35)

Recent studies have shown that intercultural education helps students understand commonality and difference, question the relative nature of their own cultural identity, and develop multiple...

National Quality Label

Getting to know the folklore culture of ours and the folklore culture of others is one of the basic elements on which we are able to upbring our children into imaginative and tolerant individuals...

National Quality Label

The idea of the project is to discover other countries in Europe, to discover other languages in Europe and to celebrate that event the week of the 26th of September. Our school will be decorated with...

National Quality Label

The new type of coronavirus, which emerged in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and affected the world in a short time, has become the most important agenda item for Europe. Education and training...

Il progetto nasce per far sentire ad alunni e docenti che non sono soli, che questo isolamento forzato che dobbiamo osservare è qualcosa che ci separa, ma che allo stesso ci avvicina, perché tutti...

National Quality Label

The UN declares 2020 the International Year of Plant Health. At the end of the "Decade of Biodiversity", the United Nations continues to recognize and promote healthy ecosystems as the key to...

National Quality Label

Bringing partners together througt the colots of eTwinning Let's mix the yellow and blue to strengthen our friendship

European eTwinning Seminar, 30 Sept. - 2 Oct. 2019 Furesø (Farum, Værløse), Denmark New Pedagogies in Nurseries and Kindergartens