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European School Education Platform


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Projects (13)

Die Idee von "Unser Europa- unser Zuhause" soll gemeinsam mit den AustauschpartnerInnen erarbeitet werden. Zunächst stellen beide Parteien ihr Zuhause, kulturelle und geografische Eigenheiten vor...

Fotoroman veya çizgi romanlar bir dönem çocuklarının severek okuduğu kitaplardır. Bu kitapların ortak özelliği, iyi yürekli ve kötülerle savaşan kahramanlarının olmasıdır. Çocukların özendiği bir...

Das ist ein kleines Projekt für die gymnasiale Oberstufe über das Thema Produkte und Nachhaltigkeit. Das Projekt wird im September 2021 durchgeführt werden, und wird etwa 5-6 Stunden in Anspruch...

National Quality Label

Students from different European countries will create and publish their own investigation about 7 wonders of their countries. The project concentrates on creating a theme-organised e-book and video...

The Easter holidays bring a lot of joy in the souls of children and adults. Each country has specific traditions for this holiday. It would be a great pleasure for us to present these beautiful habits...

National Quality Label

Students from different European countries will create and publish their own native Christmas interactive dictionary as a present to other European schools. The project concentrates on creating a...

The transition period from the last year of compulsory education to the first year of upper secondary education is usually a stressful time for students as the level and intensity of classes in all...

We want to focus on the positive motivation of both - difficult and gifted students. Both school have to deal with students with special needs (handicaped students, students with learning and...