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European School Education Platform


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Projects (1457)

We are students from Liceo S. Lombardo Radice and we are an accredited school. We have been involved in several etwinning, Comenius, and Erasmus projects. We are now involved in a Ka121 and we had the...

The "Green Steps" eTwinning project is a collaborative initiative between schools in Turkey and Portugal, aimed at promoting environmental awareness and sustainability among pupils. Over the course of...

Овај пројекат се покреће са циљем да буде виртуелни радни простор за спровођење семинара „Основе eTwinning-а као алата за реализацију пројектно-оријентисане наставе" који је акредитовао Завод за...

In this project the students of the Liceo Español Luis Buñuel in Paris will show us the projects that they have had the pleasure of sharing with colleagues from schools in Italy, Austria and Germany...

Oyun; öğrenme sürecini desteklerken, mekan, yaş, kademe fark etmeksizin keşfetme ve deneyimleme fırsatı sunar. Öğretim faaliyetleri sunuş yöntemine sıkışıp kalmayacak kadar kıymetli, ezberlemek yerine...

It is aimed to use the e-STEM education approach, which is spreading in Europe, to produce solutions to environmental problems. Students will comprehend the e-STEM education approach and use it to...

Se trata de un proyecto donde estudiantes de Historia , Patrimonio cultural e Histórico y de español. Intercambian proyectos donde trabajan monumentos artísticos-culturales, personajes históricos o...

With this project, we plan to introduce students with the historical background of celebrating Women's Day,by fighting for human rights and women's rights, the right to better working conditions, the...

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