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European School Education Platform


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Projects (56)

Wishes, cards, artcraft, songs, decorations, food, customs related to Christmas and New Year's Day will be presented.

Felicitar la Navidad con postales entre distintas escuelas de Europa. Se trata de un proyecto corto y sencillo para profesores y alumnos nuevos en etwinning. Se organizará de forma que todas las...

National Quality Label

Projemiz, farklı ülkelere ait aynı anlamı taşıyan atasözleri ve deyimleri inceleyerek evrensel değerlerin ırk , millet, dil ,din tanımadığı gereçeğini gözler önüne sermek. Projemiz Web2.0 araçları...

Desfăşurarea acestui proiect vine ca răspuns la nevoia cadrelor didactice și a copiilor ,de a cunoaște obiceiuri și tradiții specifice altor țări ,de a se confrunta cu noi provocări în plan...

Students will research the mountainous region of their homeland through the perspective of different school subjects to find out what “speaking stones” can teach them.Our partners will research...

This project is about the activities that children do during the quarantine. We will share how we handle teaching process during Covid-19. As a teacher we will evaluate this process and share our...

National Quality Label

We are SDGs ambassadors! we will teach our students global goals , especially Climate change to make the world a better place for you and for me and for the humain race

Je prétends connaître les différents pays où le français est enseigné/ parlé et échanger des messages, des images, des vidéos de façon à établir des rapports entre pays et stimuler l´acceptation de la...

National Quality Label