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European School Education Platform


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Projects (10)

This project has been created for the purposes of an eTwinning Workshop for the contact seminar.

National Quality Label

The project “Be Europe - Be Social” was written well before the latest developments around Covid19. Not only because of this, the content and the basic idea of the project are more important than ever...

Desfăşurarea acestui proiect vine ca răspuns la nevoia cadrelor didactice și a copiilor ,de a cunoaște obiceiuri și tradiții specifice altor țări ,de a se confrunta cu noi provocări în plan...

În timpul acestui proiect, vom alege un ursulet al clasei ,cu ajutorul caruia vom realiza activitatile la clasa.Fiecare participant va posta fotografii din cadrul activităților . În timpul derularii...

The main idea of the project- we have to learn about the past of our countries, about the time when the EU was formed to construct the future of Europe. During the first year partners will interview...

National Quality Label

Vi ønsker med projektet "There is a superman inside us all", at måle elevernes fysiske udvikling gennem nogle simple basisøvelser. Øvelserne er udvalgt at en ergoterapeuten, og fokus er på at lave...

National Quality Label

The need to improve the quality and relevance of the skills and competences with which young Europeans leave schools has been recognized at EU and national level. The labor market is really hard to...

Pupils from Latvia, Germany, Italy and Denmark will meet in twinspace and will communicate about given topics, getting to know about habits, traditions and culture of the other countries.