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European School Education Platform

Yeni Nesil Eğitim Atölyeleri/ New Generation Training Workshops

In this time of rapid change and transformation, raising children according to the age in which they will live and helping them have the knowledge and skills required by the age should be among our primary goals. Our aim with the activities in New Generation Education Workshops are following: - To support individuals to acquire 21st century skills such as critical thinking, cooperation, creativity and communication, which are necessary for self-realization and adaptation to the age, - To help them acquire skills that create knowledge, reflect on the problem and formulate results, as well as improve their quality of life, - To raise individuals who can learn independently, think analytically and innovatively, and solve not only questions but also problems, - To raise self-confident individuals who have gained knowledge, media and technology skills and life and career skills.



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Sergimizi ilçe kaymakamı ve milli eğitim müdürü ziyaret etti.Yere döşenmiş olan oyunla kodlama ile keyifli vakit geçirdiler.Okulumuzdaki diğer öğrenciler  de sergimizi ziyaret edip oyunlara eşlik ettiler.


The exhibition news about our project was published on the 'Science Festival' platform, which is actively used by educators and teachers.



My project participation certificate.
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At the end of our project, we exhibited our work. It was a very enjoyable event with the participation of our project stakeholders, teachers, parents and students

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We crowned the activities we carried out in the project throughout the year with our project exhibition. Dear Yunak District Governor, Deputy Director of National Education of Yunak District, school administrators, teachers, students and parents participated in our project exhibition.

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We have come to the end of our project, which we have been working on with pleasure and devotion.

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We have successfully completed our project and received our participation certificates.

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