Join the eTwinning featured groups

eTwinning featured groups are virtual spaces for eTwinners to share resources and project ideas, celebrate achievements and build meaningful connections with other eTwinners.
In 2025, we've made some changes to these groups: new groups created and existing groups renamed or merged. The result is a diverse collection of learning communities, each led by passionate moderators.
Would you like to become a member? If you're already a validated eTwinner, you can simply visit a group’s page and click ‘Join group’.
Explore the new list of featured groups
- Citizenship education: celebrating what unites us – Theodora Gkeniou moderates a dedicated space to explore European values and active citizenship (the 2024/2025 eTwinning annual theme).
- Creative and innovative classrooms - thinking outside the box – Angeliki Kougiourouki explores best practices and fresh ideas in teaching methodology.
- Mathematics, science and other STEM topics – Enrica Maragliano welcomes teachers working on STEM-related projects.
- Multilingualism – Romina Marchesani supports language teachers in developing professional growth and collaboration.
- Literacy, media literacy and critical thinking – Carol Barriuso invites educators to engage with peers and advance different forms of literacy.
- Inclusive education – Cecilia Cantizano Mariscal moderates a group focused on equitable and inclusive learning spaces.
- Health and wellbeing in education – Daniela Bunea focuses on mental and physical wellbeing in education.
- eTwinning newcomers – Nikoletta Liaropoulou and Georgia Maneta help new eTwinners navigate the platform and begin their eTwinning journey.
- Small and remote schools’ network – Anca Couasnon, a teacher in a rural school, connects educators overcoming geographical challenges.
- Digital skills for pupils and teachers (including artificial intelligence and SELFIE tools) – Michał Siwkowski focuses on enhancing digital skills in pupils and teachers, with special emphasis on integrating artificial intelligence (AI) tools and the SELFIE framework into the educational process.
- Arts and cultural expression in education – Maria O’Donovan examines innovative ways to integrate artistic practices and cultural expression into education.
- Combining eTwinning and Erasmus+ projects – Oana Topala explores how Erasmus+ projects can be transformed into eTwinning projects and benefit from enriched collaboration.
- History – Miriam Salinas leads discussions on history education and resource sharing.
More groups are coming soon!
February spotlight: The creative and innovative classrooms group
Throughout the year, we'll focus on a different featured group every month, raising awareness about the discussions and activities going on in these spaces.
In February, the spotlight is on Creative and Innovative classrooms – thinking outside the box and the importance of encouraging critical thinking across school subjects. Members can participate in discussions, share challenges and explore valuable resources, including an expert talk on critical thinking for lifelong learning.
Meet the groups
Do you want to learn more about these groups directly from their moderators?
Join us on 4 March for an information session where each moderator will give a sneak peek into their group’s activities and upcoming initiatives.
Your community is waiting for you! Find it here
Additional information
Education type:School Education
Target audience:TeacherStudent TeacherHead Teacher / PrincipalTeacher Educator
Target audience ISCED:Primary education (ISCED 1)Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)