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European School Education Platform
Drama for Inclusion
Third-party on-site course

Drama for secondary English Language teachers... and not only... to foster inclusion!

The course will allow the participants to discover how to use drama as an aid to to teaching English as a second language in secondary schools in order to reinforce and extend the students knowledge of English creatively and enjoyably. It suggests activities which give the students choices and helps us to understand better who they are.

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The main aim is to develop students’ language and soft skills , to stimulate the student's natural inquisitiveness and creativity – not produce actors or actresses. The course should be as enjoyable and stimulating for us as the activities are for the students. During the course, participants will:
  • begin by looking  at the space and the objects around us and imagine how we can  use them - this will be continuous and develop as we do other activities
  • explore: some simple activities so that each member of the group can introduce themselves and we begin to create a concept of the group
  • explore and develop mime (also as a way of stimulating language) and then mime and voice together - some simple theatre games which encourage the use of the body as a means of communication and then add speech to create simple scenes
  • create a short play as a group and act it out: spontaneously using theatre to create situations we can explore as scenes by asking a series of simple questions
  • suggest ways of involving everyone  
  • create short mime scenes in groups of 4 or 5 and see them presented, commenting on each one and suggesting ways of eliciting language from the students
  • create scenes in groups of 4 or 5 with dialogue, either adding dialogue to the mime scenes or creating new scenes and then see them acted out with comments and suggestions for improving them
  • start from the point of view of a specific genre and spontaneously create a short play, with the whole group helping to act it out
  • focus on genres and the essential attributes and vocabulary they imply
  • create scenes in different groups of 4 or 5 staring with a specific genre and try to develop the characteristics of each one as fully as possible
more on the course webpage:

Learning objectives

The main objectives of this course are to:
  • offer techniques which can be used in class: exploiting mime, gesture, voice, word games, songs, scenes, images, stories and literary texts
  • suggest ways of involving the students from the beginning of their learning , playing with individual words and phrases, to the end when they can be challenged and challenge themselves with more advanced material, such as poems and novels, newspaper articles and films
  • find ways of creating material with the students, from essential word games to more complex letters, poems, songs, scenes and stories
  • deal with organizing and developing activities which can be done on their own or combined in different ways.
  • stimulate the participants, both as individuals and as a group, to create original scenes, poems, songs and personal interpretations of traditional, classical and modern texts
  • help teachers to clarify their objectives and make them more dynamic
  • encourage an interdisciplinary approach which helps the students to pay attention to the communicative side of language - what their choices communicate, the importance of how they communicate and to reflect on some of the consequences of communicating in different ways -speaking, dramatising, filming and using written text . The ability to do so personally and creatively.
  • help teachers explore English in a relaxed, creative environment
After forty years of experience one thing has noticeably remained constant, the joy most people have of participating and working in groups. The course aims to give teachers not only techniques but also communicate the sense of joy, creativity and working enjoyably in a group that drama offers.

Methodology & assessment

Using drama and theatre techniques the focus will be on exploring how to stimulate the students to use and explore English actively, making it as personal, involving and creative as possible. The course is designed interactively, along with individual and team exercises, giving participants a "hands on experience" of the activities proposed. The trainer will take into account the knowledge, needs and aims of the course members and will try and offer strategies which help them explore drama in their own way. There will be time for questions and proposals.

Certification details

Certificate of participations and any other required document

Pricing, packages and other information

  • Price:
  • Package contents:


  • Language:
  • Target audience ISCED:
    Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)
    Upper secondary education (ISCED 3)
  • Target audience type:
    Student Teacher
  • Learning time:
    25 hours or more


You can view this course on the provider's website Go to website


Vocational subjects

Key competences

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