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European School Education Platform


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Projects (539)

Mener sur un ou deux ans un échange interculturel et linguistique ( français / grec ancien), entre des élèves de Langues et Cultures de l’Antiquité en France et une classe francophone en Grèce. La...

Learning English is a necessity and fun in today's world.Therefore, as the teachers of English Language,we must do our best to teach it in a productive and enjoyable way to all our students and future...

Egitimi daha eglenceli yapmaya ne dersiniz haydi gelin oyun ve oyuncaklar ile dersleri isleyelim Aktif öğrenme

This project will explore the theme of well-being at school, focusing on how students and teachers can create safe, inclusive, and supportive learning environments where everyone can thrive.

We want to use emotions to make students feel better. Strengthening children's value systems and ensuring that they understand that they have the power to replace the losses they have suffered due to...

Οι μαθητές θα γνωρίσουν τις ανοιχτές και κλειστές θάλασσες και θα μελετήσουν τη σημασία των θαλασσών της Ελλάδας και της Ευρώπης, όπως η Μεσόγειος στην καθημερινή ζωή,το κλίμα και την τέχνη. Οι...

Les Jeux Olympiques sont notre point de départ. Cet événement sportif, né en Grèce dans l'Antiquité, puis reproposé par Pierre de Coubertin (à qui nous rendons hommage dans le titre), fait rencontrer...

How to increase the utilisation of the school library, engaging the students in a social community where sharing their favourite readings. The aim of the eTwinning project is to create a European...