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European School Education Platform


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Projects (5)

The elementary mathematics lesson requires the concrete-to-abstract education principle as required by the age of students. Today's technological developments provide great opportunities for teachers...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

The main goal of the project is to exchange good practices . The most important priority of this project is to support students and teachers in acquiring and improving basic skills and key competences...

Projemiz hümanizm felsefesini benimseyen, kadına-çocuğa-hayvana-doğaya şiddeti önlemek için faaliyet yürütecek, belirli günler ve haftaları kapsayan, Padlet, Voki gibi web 2.0 araçlarının etkin...

National Quality Label

Our project is about our cultural heritage.We aim to be aware of our Culture.Our main goal is to discover our cultural heritage around the world using Web 2 tools. Our students will share their...

National Quality Label

Projekt bude zameraný na spoznávanie historickej časti mesta Banská Štiavnica, jej dominánt a tak isto o spoznanie mesta projektového partnera. Deti spoznajú jednak mesto v ktorom žijú, ale aj mesto...

National Quality Label