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European School Education Platform


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Projects (19)

Le projet est axé sur un partenariat avec plusieurs pays, enseignants et élèves du primaire au lycée, pour certains nouveaux dans le programme Erasmus+, mais dont le point commun est l’enseignement...

Students will explore their cultural heritage with their teachers and cover the following topics: - Traditional songs, games, dances, customs, solemnities - Famous people of the homeland - Landmarks -...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Teaching with Media

This project is set up for our students to become a digital citizen, be aware of cyber risks, improve their media literacy and digital literacy skills. Our students will increase their awareness by...

National Quality Label

He wants to raise awareness by drawing attention to the plastic waste issue that harms our world. Everyone needs to join hands for a livable world. We believe that we will raise awareness of zero...

National Quality Label

The project is devoted to celebrations (Thanksgiving, Christmas, St. Valentine’s Day, Easter,...) in different schools, from different countries. The idea is to show how these events are celebrated...

With art therapy,we want to facilitate the personal,mental and emotional development of our students, help them cope with stress and problems in their daily lives and ensure that they enjoy life.

National Quality Label

Mountains occupy about 22% of the entire Earth surface. They provide important resources: drinking water, food and energy. The population of the mountain areas has a tradition and culture which are...

National Quality Label