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European School Education Platform


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Projects (28)

This project aims to use ICT skills and literacy. Every month, students gather online and tell stories.

This project aims to introduce students to the importance of antiquity in European culture. They will thus be able to retrace their European odyssey on a map and thus highlight the remarkable sites...

The ‘Keep in Touch: Make Tourism Sustainable’ project has arisen from the desire, on behalf of all partner countries, to take action towards giving our young people the skills they need to create a...

This is a six (6) months project, commencing in the end of November and closing in the end of May. We are teachers from 5 EU countries (Greece, Bulgaria, Poland, Germany and Lithuania) with our...

Η διατροφή διαχρονικά αποτελεί βασική μέριμνα του ανθρώπου, καθώς συνδέεται άρρηκτα με την υγεία, την ποιότητα ζωής του και τελικά την ίδια του την ύπαρξη. Οι νέοι 2 διαφορετικών σχολείων της Ελλάδας...

While inclusion lies at the top of the EU education agenda, the relevant emphasis and attention has not been paid in Greece. Given that Zipari High School is attended not only by many foreign students...

This Project aims to increase knowledge and interaction between multiple mythological cultures and their histories. The students whom will be participating will examine the mythological characters in...

National Quality Label

Το έργο αφορά την τραγωδία "Ελένη" του Ευριπίδη. Με αφορμή το κείμενο οι μαθητές θα συζητήσουν διαδικτυακά για τις ιδέες, τα θέματα και τα προβλήματα που απασχολούσαν τους αρχαίους Έλληνες...

National Quality Label