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European School Education Platform


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Projects (29)

In the current historical moment, it is essential to build a culture of peace, making the voice of all the etwinners of the world heard, the project is based on the creation of digital or paper cards...

National Quality Label

À l'ère numérique, nous sommes constamment exposés à des informations, des questions politiques aux publicités et campagnes marketing, qui ne nous parviennent pas sans un filtre autre que notre propre...

National Quality Label

This project is about finding creative ways to use technology in the classroom which can both make life easier as a teacher and boost student excitement levels and engagement with lessons. There is no...

National Quality Label

Bez biljaka i životinja naš život ne bi bio moguć, zato ćemo ih bolje upoznati. Without plants and animals our life would not be possible, that’s why we’ll get to know them better.

National Quality Label

Our project is about exploring Europe, through song, opera, ballet, culture, history and art in general. They also include talking to students in a forum or meeting live. Students speak English, but...

National Quality Label

Our project aims to gain the love of animals and nature as a child. This project was built to protect the animals as well as to live with them. In doing so, we will teach our students the dangers that...

National Quality Label

This project comes from same name documentary of Gadajace Glowy and KRZYSZTOF KIESLOWSKI. KRZYSZTOF KIESLOWSKI starts his film by asking four simple questions to kids. These questions are: a) Who are...

National Quality Label

Пројекат је замишљен да се ради по кварталима. Прво ће се радити пролеће а касније и остала годишња доба у складу са календаром. Ученици ће са најразличитијих аспеката у складу са интересовањима...