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European School Education Platform

The Edgar project - "Discovering schools and routes in Europe with Edgar”

The project "Discovering schools and routes in Europe with Edgar" aims to send Edgar, the mascot of the European Mobility Week, on a real and digital tour through Europe. Thus enabling to enter (inter) cultural and interactive exchanges with elementary schools from different countries. Through the cooperation of the different school classes via the twinspace platform, pupils, who are aged from 5 to 12 years, have the opportunity to experience Edgar in various European locations and to learn more about the country itself and the (school) life of the local people. Participating school classes have the task of gathering information material on topics such as language, country-specific traditions and festivals, food, music, games and the school system and make it publicly available online. In addition, it is planned to set up a chat room, which will allow regular communication directly with partner classes across national borders. Another special focus of the project, in addition to the general exchange of information, is the joint discussion on sustainable mobility. Edgar is not only a medium for diversity, but also an identifier of a Europe on the move and a Europe, whose environment needs to be protected. "Discover ways together with Edgar" aims to travel around environmentally friendly with Edgar, by bike, bus, train, on foot and to make children aware of this topic. The mascot Edgar is to accompany school classes on their paths inside and outside the school grounds, on excursions, rides, hikes, tours, school trips, etc. As a common result, an Edgar photo collection will be created, which captures Edgar 's sustainable mobility and can be used as a thematic impulse for teaching.
Created on
19 members
National Quality Label


Belgium(6), Spain(4), Germany(3), Italy(2), Finland(1), France(1), Cyprus(1), Portugal(1)
Age range:
Subjects of teaching: