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European School Education Platform

Friends across the water

Friends across the water will be an innovative project that gives children and understanding and voice concerning a major issue affecting Europe in our time: the migrant crisis. History may see this event as a turning point for Europe and it is vital that children are aware of the issues and the possible impacts and have an opportunity to share their own concerns and feelings regarding a crisis in Europe. The objectives of the project will be all about the children, their learning and strengthening the profile of teaching profession. We aim to give children a voice with issues that concern them and Europe as a whole as is advocate in the UNESCO bill of children rights, to explore the issue of migration and link this with UN sustainable goals and particularly the role and the use of water, to develop values in each country and explore what are shared values for children, to help prepare schools and countries to deal with the reality of migration.
Created on
11 members


Portugal(4), Greece(1), Netherlands(1), Lithuania(1), Bulgaria(1), Romania(1), Turkey(1), Poland(1)
Age range: