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European School Education Platform

Vocational education and training systems in Europe: A comparison of Germany’s dual vocational training system with other European vocational training systems

As part of the project ”Vocational education and training systems in Europe: A comparison of Germany’s dual vocational training system with other European vocational training systems” some students will analyse different training systems in Europe. First they will describe their own job and their vocational training. Our painters will present their training in English. In Germany, the vocational training consists of two parts i.e. learning on the job and at school. How is the vocational training structured in France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Rumania etc? Is there also an apprenticeship certification exam? Our students will deal with these and other questions / issues. While doing so they should communicate via the TwinSpace-forum in English and document the results of the project. The project will start in November 2017 and finish in January 2018.
Created on
13 members


France(5), Poland(2), Romania(2), Italy(2), Spain(1), Germany(1)
Age range: