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European School Education Platform

Mathematics and successful investor #eTwCitizen16

We will open a clothing store in a local mall that advertises styles of adolescents, shoes, pants, etc. Teams are groups of students consultant for one of the shops. Hardware that students will choose is one that will advertise outfits based on population trends and styles preferred by the survey conducted. This project is the basis for the creation of a clothing store, the latest trends in the preferences of young people and to make passage through these stages mathematical trip 1) of statistical tables and surveys on the preferences of young people. 2) the calculation of bank credit for investment funds. 3) Finance costs of opening a clothing store. 4) Promote products. For the project finalized by opening a shop. Students placed in different roles, in the area of ​​entrepreneurship by sharing thoughts, experiences mathematical knowledge among their European peers. Finally, the connection of all shops entrepreneurial networks from different countries who normally are our students.
Created on
72 members
National Quality Label


Turkey(25), Albania(25), Romania(6), Italy(3), Republic of Moldova(2), Ukraine(2), France(2), Slovakia(1), Croatia(1), Tunisia(1), Serbia(1), Portugal(1), Poland(1), Greece(1)
Age range: