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European School Education Platform

“Mens sana in corpore sano. Food, nutrition, eating habits, health and disease at European schools as an (inter)cultural mirror”

The life of today’s youth, which is often marked by excess, oriented towards a material life and filled with ill-considered dietary habits, leads increasingly towards a passive attitude and mostly towards serious and long term health detriment. Therefore, the goal of this project is to analyse and develop, on a European level and from an intercultural perspective, using an interdisciplinary approach and within the lesson plan of the respective school subjects (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Latin, History, Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physical Education, ICT) youth-relevant questions and approaches to problems related to the topics of diet, nutrition, eating habits and related eating disorders, sports/exercise and health. Young people will be made aware of and motivated to plan healthy and active dietary habits and a healthy and active lifestyle; this way they will recognize that these have an immediate influence on the how they shape their own future.
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2 members