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European School Education Platform

At School in Europe to Learn Lifelong Skills

We intend to strenghten its European vocation by the creation of a Net of European High Schools who are willing to collaborate in the creation of didactic activities and methodologies based on the development of new core skills for education and employability, among which: critical thinking, group work, immagination and innovation, entrepreunership, public speaking, foreign languages and independent use of ICT. To reach this aim, we are going to organize different activities, from attending training courses on core competences to 15 job shadowing with 5 different schools in Europe and also a students' learning mobility. This E-Twinning project will help the exchange of good practices among participating schools and enlarge the number of schools involved, creating a Network, an authentic European educative community. This project will be the repository and the communication tool for the Erasmus + project 2021-1-IT02-KA122-SCH-000014323, mostly used by collaborating teachers.
Created on
10 members


Spain(3), Italy(2), North Macedonia(2), Portugal(1), Czech Republic(1), Hungary(1)
Age range: