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European School Education Platform

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In this project students from Belgium will work together with students from the Azores (Portugal). The project activities would be as followed: - The Belgian students will get to know about some photography techniques. - The Belgian students get a technique and make a video about it to give some instructions about the technique. - The students in the Portuguese school watch the video's. - Both classes make pictures in their school city using every technique. - We make mixed duo's (1 Belgian and one other from teh Azores). - Every pair forms a photography team. They get a page on the twinspace or a page in a book. - Each pair decides on a theme they want to make a photography edition of, using all the techniques they used. - If possible we would like them to make a video in which each pair presents their portfolio.
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3 members


Portugal(2), Belgium(1)
Age range:
Subjects of teaching: