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Projects (150441)

Ky projekt do te fokusohet ne edukimin e femijeve per historine dhe kulturen e vendeve te tyre, duke i ndihmuar te njohin simbolet kombetare dhe heronjte historike te Kosoves dhe Shqiperise.

Festojme ate qe jemi, shqiptare dhe paqedashes. Projekti "Emri im, gjuha ime" do te jete nje projekt multidisiplinar. Ne do të eksplorojmë lidhjen mes identitetit personal dhe gjuhës amtare, duke...

Promovim i identitetit, kulturave dhe vlerave tona duke cilësuar origjinën tonë, traditat familjare, festat që festojmë, hobi dhe aftësi të veçanta dhe arritjet ku ne dëshirojmë të jemi në të ardhmen.

Substance abuse, including the misuse of drugs and alcohol, is a global issue that affects individuals, families, and communities worldwide. This project aims to address the specific target 3.5 of the...

The project aims to help primary school students understand and express their emotions through collaborative activities with peers from different countries. By using creative methods, students will...

Students cooperatively come up with a bucket list of activities to improve well-being (e.g. listening to music for 2 hours/week, doing exercise at least for 1hour/week, phoning their grandmother...

We want our students to get to know each other better.Then, they make questions for a survey on the topic of stress, they conduct it in their schools and after that, based on the results of the survey...

Το πρόγραμμά μας σχετίζεται με το πώς οι μαθητές μας μπορούν να κατανοήσουν, να νιώσουν και να επιδιώξουν την ευτυχία. Μέσα από συγκεκριμένες ομαδικές δράσεις θα βιώσουν την ψυχική και σωματική ευεξία...