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European Commission’s Webinar on Introduction to PISA: PISA for the European Schools

In March 2022, the European Schools participated in the PISA-based Test for Schools (PBTS) project organised by the OECD. The PBTS is a voluntary assessment intended to help school leaders and teachers understand their 15-year-old students’ abilities to think critically and apply their knowledge creatively in novel contexts.

Ended on: 05.03.2024
Ended at: 05:00 PM (Europe/Brussels)
Duration: 1 hour

Webinar information



The PBTS is a comprehensive, competence-based assessment project which provides the participating schools with a wide range of information on their performance and background, using international benchmarking linked to OECD’s PISA study.  

The areas of the tests, as well as those of the globally highly esteemed PISA study, are the key competences in reading, mathematics, and science. In addition to these areas, the individual School Reports also supply information on the participants’ motivation and engagement, the school climate and students’ well-being. In this webinar, we explored the less well-known Pisa-based Test for Schools and how European Schools have effectively implemented this test across multiple languages, offering a compelling example of the transformative potential of PISA. 

We examined the evolving landscape of educational assessment and its profound implications for school communities worldwide. Finally, this webinar provided its participants with some insightful suggestions on how school communities may utilise the outcome in their daily work and their planning for the future in order to raise standards and introduce changes in the school if necessary. 


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About the speakers

Moderator profile picture
Károly Pála

Mr Károly Pála has been working for the European School System since 2004, when he first started as the Hungarian inspector for the secondary cycle. He became the secondary Deputy Head at the European School in Mol (Belgium) in 2008 and later the Director of the European School in Varese (Italy). Since 2019 he has been the Executive Coordinator in the Central Office of the European Schools in Brussels. 


In a wider context, and due to his previous jobs in Hungary, he was also engaged with a wide range of educational activities, first as a teacher and then on administrational level. After teaching for several years, he got involved in duties providing educational services, which then became his main activity. The core areas he was in charge of include national and international student assessment (among others the PISA studies), teacher training and in-service teacher training, curriculum development, school evaluation and counselling. Between 1997 and 2008 he worked as the Director of different agencies and institutions in the area (among others the Budapest Pedagogical Institute and the National Centre for Public Education, Evaluation and Examinations). He has also written several school text books for secondary schools, developed and delivered in-service training sessions in the areas of differentiated instruction, cooperative teaching and learning and other student focussed methodologies. 

Additional information

  • Language:
  • Target audience:
    Student Teacher
    Head Teacher / Principal
  • Target audience country:
  • Target audience ISCED:
    Primary education (ISCED 1)
    Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)
    Upper secondary education (ISCED 3)