European Commission webinar on wellbeing without overload: Integrating self-care in teaching practices
The webinar will focus on how schools can reduce stress and enhance teacher wellbeing, e.g. through practical strategies that help integrate wellbeing into the daily routines of teachers.
Webinar information
In recent years, there has been a concerning increase in reported levels of stress and burnout among teachers across Europe. This trend not only underscores the critical need to focus on teachers' social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness but also points to a broader issue affecting the attractiveness of the teaching profession. The Eurydice Report (2021) showed that almost half of the teachers in Europe display high levels of work-related stress, with one out of four teachers expressing concern about their mental health and wellbeing. Similarly, the previous TALIS 2018 survey (OECD, 2019) revealed that stress at work is a common issue among European teachers.
The European Commission is actively addressing these challenges through its Pathways to School Success initiative. As part of this initiative, the European Commission's expert group has developed new guidelines targeting education policymakers, school leaders, teachers, and educators. These guidelines provide 11 key recommendations for implementing a whole-system and whole-school approach to wellbeing and mental health.
In addition, in the context of pandemic, teachers reported increased levels of burnout, work exhaustion, cynicism, feelings of fear and loneliness from confinement, frustration due to distance learning, anxiety, and depression, as well as lower engagement. These elements can fuel the ongoing teacher shortage crisis.
Webinar recording
- Gordana Gojmerac Dekanić: Implementing Well-being Strategies in Schools
- Oana Felecan: Pathways to School Success and wellbeing at school – European perspective
- Ana Mlekuž: Implementing wellbeing in schools: Presentation of the HAND: Empowering Teachers Program
- Tina Pivec: Empowering Teachers Across Europe to Deal with Social, Emotional and Diversity Related Career Challenges
For more articles and resources on wellbeing and resilience in schools, see this summary article.
Learning objectives
- To inform participants about essential skills and knowledge that can prevent burnout and enhance career longevity for teachers.
- To present actionable strategies and recommendations for improving teacher wellbeing.
- To showcase the direct impact of teacher wellbeing on effective student engagement and educational success.
The content of this webinar reflects the views only of the authors. The European Commission does not endorse any views, opinions or advice expressed by the speakers/presenters of this webinar.
About the speakers
Additional information
Target audience:TeacherStudent TeacherHead Teacher / Principal
Target audience country:
Target audience ISCED:Primary education (ISCED 1)Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)Upper secondary education (ISCED 3)