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European Commission webinar on wellbeing without overload: Integrating self-care in teaching practices

The webinar will focus on how schools can reduce stress and enhance teacher wellbeing, e.g. through practical strategies that help integrate wellbeing into the daily routines of teachers.

Ended on: 26.06.2024
Ended at: 05:25 PM (Europe/Brussels)
Duration: 1 hour 25 minutes

Webinar information


In recent years, there has been a concerning increase in reported levels of stress and burnout among teachers across Europe. This trend not only underscores the critical need to focus on teachers' social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness but also points to a broader issue affecting the attractiveness of the teaching profession. The Eurydice Report (2021) showed that almost half of the teachers in Europe display high levels of work-related stress, with one out of four teachers expressing concern about their mental health and wellbeing. Similarly, the previous TALIS 2018 survey (OECD, 2019) revealed that stress at work is a common issue among European teachers. 


The European Commission is actively addressing these challenges through its Pathways to School Success initiative. As part of this initiative, the European Commission's expert group has developed new guidelines targeting education policymakers, school leaders, teachers, and educators. These guidelines provide 11 key recommendations for implementing a whole-system and whole-school approach to wellbeing and mental health.


In addition, in the context of pandemic, teachers reported increased levels of burnout, work exhaustion, cynicism, feelings of fear and loneliness from confinement, frustration due to distance learning, anxiety, and depression, as well as lower engagement. These elements can fuel the ongoing teacher shortage crisis. 


Webinar recording





For more articles and resources on wellbeing and resilience in schools, see this summary article

Learning objectives


  • To inform participants about essential skills and knowledge that can prevent burnout and enhance career longevity for teachers.
  • To present actionable strategies and recommendations for improving teacher wellbeing.
  • To showcase the direct impact of teacher wellbeing on effective student engagement and educational success.



The content of this webinar reflects the views only of the authors. The European Commission does not endorse any views, opinions or advice expressed by the speakers/presenters of this webinar.

About the speakers

oana felecan
Oana Felecan

Oana Felecan is Policy officer in charge of equity and wellbeing at school in DG EAC. She has been working on Pathways to School Success initiative and as such coordinated the Commission’s expert group on wellbeing at school. Prior to this, Oana was policy officer in Erasmus+ Programme team for School education and the European coordinator of the European Language Label.

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Tina Pivec

Tina Pivec is a Researcher at the Educational Research Institute in Slovenia, where she focuses on educational and developmental psychology. Since October 2018, she has been engaged in research projects addressing bullying, aggression, and positive youth development. Tina earned her Master's and Bachelor's degrees in Psychology from the University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts. Tina's publications include numerous articles and conference papers on topics such as bullying, positive youth development, and the psychological impact of COVID-19. Her work has significantly contributed to understanding the psychosocial characteristics of youth and the factors influencing their development. Tina is committed to promoting positive educational outcomes and fostering supportive environments for young people.

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Ana Mlekuž

Ana Mlekuž is a Researcher at the Educational Research Institute of Slovenia, specializing in educational assessment, inclusive education, and international affairs. With a Master of Science degree and currently pursuing a doctorate in leadership in education at the University of Maribor, Ana has authored 38 publications and contributed significantly to various research projects, including the "HEAD: Empowering School Principals for Inclusive School Culture" project. Her research focuses on digitalization in education, inclusive school culture, and professional development for educators. Ana is also involved in organizing public events, scientific conferences, and roundtable discussions, and she manages the institute's website and social media profiles, promoting educational research and community engagement.

Eli Pijaca Plavsic
Eli Pijaca Plavšić

Eli Pijaca Plavšić graduated in sociology from the University of Zagreb in 2004. For the past 20 years, she has focused on education policy analysis, educational reform, and promoting equity from early childhood to higher education. She has developed curricula and teaching materials for teacher training, including topics such as civic education, inclusive education, and mental health. Eli served as Executive Director of the Forum for Freedom in Education until 2021 and later as a program head and education policy analyst. Since 2023, she has owned Edukateka, providing independent educational consultancy. She has led and researched various national and international projects and worked with over 350 educational institutions, 3,000 teachers, and 150 school directors in Croatia. Eli is an independent consultant for several organisations, including Ecorys Ltd., ICF Ltd., and the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education. She has extensive advocacy and policy development experience, having participated in numerous national and local policy boards and committees. She has led numerous EU-funded educational projects and has been a member of the NESET Network since 2018 and is now a board member of the European Toolkit for Schools. 

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Gordana Gojmerac Dekanić

Gordana Gojmerac Dekanić, teacher advisor, graduated in 1997 from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and earned the title of professor of mathematics. From 1998 to 2023 she worked at Voltino Primary School, and from 2023 she is employed at Kajzerica Primary School in Zagreb. Since 2014 she has been a mentor to students from Department of Mathematics who do internships as a part of the Mathematics Teaching Methodology course. She participated in a number of projects organized by the National Center for Education Evaluation (as a coder and supervisor of the international PISA research, as a member of several expert groups for the preparation of National Exams in Mathematics and as a coordinator of a group of teachers for the 1st to the 4th grade students as part of the project „Creating and Applying exams that measure problem-solving competence“) She is the co-author of mathematics textbooks, as well as digital books for the 5th to the 8th grade students.

Additional information

  • Language:
  • Target audience:
    Student Teacher
    Head Teacher / Principal
  • Target audience country:
  • Target audience ISCED:
    Primary education (ISCED 1)
    Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)
    Upper secondary education (ISCED 3)