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European School Education Platform
Lectura de La Eneida en el Festival Grecolatino de Lyon. Reading the starting extract in Latin, Spanish and French.


"Reading the Aeneid" is a project between the teachers and students of Latin from the schools Salesianos Pamplona in Sarriguren-Spain and the College George Gouy in Vals les Bains -France. Both teachers started to plan the project as we finished a previous project last year in this e-Twinning platform with other teachers from Greece, Cyprus and Italy called "Innovation, technology, and Techniques at Ancient Culture". The project has lasted from October to May, so all the course 2022-23. The aim was to raise awareness of the students about Ancient Culture and meet in Lyon, France, to read the extracts and exchange our knowledge of Latin and other common cultures. To get that final target, the project was divided into ten stages which will be presented in the e-Twinning platform in 10 pages:  1. Students' presentation (Padlet) 2. Previous knowledge and investigation about The Aeneid (Kahoot). 3. Reading The Aeneid in Spanish/French and some extracts in Latin. (books and the Internet) 4. Choose the extracts proposed by teachers and others by the students themselves (Google Drive) 5. Divide the extracts into international mixed groups and work on them in Spanish, French, and Latin. (Google docs). 6. Write an introduction to the extracts in English. (Google docs) 7. Rehearse and record each student's part of the extracts and upload them to each group's Google Drive. (Mp4 files and Google Drive). 8. Meet in Vals les Bains and Lyon. Rehearsal led by a professional theatre artist to learn how to read in public. (Erasmus+ grant and YouTube video for the reading). 9. Prepare photos and create a page to make the final product. (Google Pictures and Genially) 10. The final product (Genially).



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