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European School Education Platform


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Projects (157304)

The aim of the project is to improve children's perception and understanding of the signs of spring through hands-on activities. To develop creativity through practical and artistic activities...

Il s’agit de mettre en lien les associations qui accueillent des animaux en détresse avec des établissements scolaires. Cela permettra à nos jeunes d’être sensibles à la cause animale, d’en favoriser...

Δοκιμαστικό έργο

After consulting a choreographer or dance teacher from both countries to provide guidelines, an experimental study will be conducted with one class of students from each school. The goal is to...

L'obiettivo del progetto è quello di dare la possibilità ai ragazzi di conoscere loro coetanei di un altro Paese europeo (Francia per gli italiani e Italia per i francesi) in modo divertente ed...

Children learn about the types of winds, and what they are called in different languages. Children develop different activities to use airflow and propose one activity to their partners to play during...

This eTwinning project will bring together a second-grade class from Palermo, Italy, and a first-grade class from Portugal to explore tinkering, electronics, and creative coding in a fun and engaging...

What we should ask our students is "Do you want to contribute to the conservation of the environment?" Selecting some simple attitudes that can save the planet can be the starting point. We have to...