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European School Education Platform

About eTwinning

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What is eTwinning?


eTwinning is a community for schools, an online space where - schools can collaborate. eTwinning provides a safe and free platform for teachers and pupils across Europe to work together on projects, discuss in online groups, exchange best practice and develop their professional skills.


Who can join eTwinning?


The eTwinning community is open to school staff, including professionals working in early childhood education and care (ECEC) and initial vocational education and training (IVET), in eTwinning countries. Validated eTwinners gain access to the restricted eTwinning area (My eTwinning) and other specialised features on the European School Education Platform.


eTwinning also offers opportunities for teacher educators and student teachers at initial teacher education (ITE) institutions to get involved in eTwinning. Find out more about eTwinning for future teachers.


If you are not a member of staff at a school, you can still benefit from all the other services of the European School Education Platform free of charge. eTwinners can also invite non-eTwinners to specific projects.


What’s in it for me?


By joining eTwinning, teachers and other school staff can benefit from opportunities such as:


  • Collaborative projects – Engage your class in European and national projects with peers ranging from ECEC to upper secondary and IVET schools. Collaborate securely in the TwinSpace, a safe online environment.
  • Online groups – Discuss your topics of interest in one of the thousands eTwinning groups created and managed by enthusiastic teachers.
  • Professional development – Enhance your teaching skills with a wide range of free professional development opportunities. Participate in onsite courses, self-paced online courses, webinars and conferences to enrich your practices and expand your competences.
  • Comprehensive support – Receive guidance and support from your country’s NSO and eTwinning ambassadors - experienced teachers who are experts in the uses and benefits of eTwinning and in European collaboration.


Recognition – Get credit for your innovative work through labels and prizes. Join the ranks of eTwinning Schools, recognised for their commitment to shared leadership, collaboration, student engagement and inclusive practices.


What does the eTwinning area offer me?


eTwinners can network, share and collaborate using customised tools:


  • Rooms are small, ad-hoc groups that allow eTwinners to take part in video-conferencing sessions supported by a forum and a file archive.
  • Groups are discussion forums where eTwinners can meet and discuss specific subjects, topics, or other areas of interest. There are also featured groups which are moderated by experienced eTwinners.
  • eTwinning projects allow teachers to carry out activities on different topics and key competences involving two or more teachers and their students. Each project has its own TwinSpace, a safe platform accessible only to project members, selected guests, and selected pupils. eTwinning projects and their TwinSpaces can be designed according your wishes and needs.
  • My eTwinning is your personal area where you can manage your eTwinning activities and see the latest updates from your groups, projects, and your national support organisation.


Who manages eTwinning?


eTwinning is an initiative of the European Commission and the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).


Day-to-day management of the eTwinning area is handled by a Central Support Service (CSS), working under contract for the European Commission. The CSS also provides pedagogical and technical helpdesk services for eTwinners and organises specific training sessions for teachers on eTwinning. At European level, the CSS coordinates the network of National Support Organisations, together with the European Commission and EACEA.


The National Support Organisations (NSOs) are responsible for vetting user registrations, promoting eTwinning in their countries, helping teachers to set up and carry out their projects, rewarding schools for their successful participation in eTwinning projects, organising training sessions for teachers, and ensuring that eTwinning evolves to meet the specific needs of local schools. Find out more about eTwinning National Support Organisations.


Register today and become part of the eTwinning community. Offer your pupils and your school the opportunity to grow and succeed through international collaboration. For further information, please read our support materials or contact your country’s National Support Organisation.