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Projekti eTwinning: eTw-TRAIN

Një projekt fitues eTwinning për studentët e moshës 16-19 vjeç. Projekti i dërgon studentët në një udhëtim virtual me tren nëpër Evropë për të zhvilluar kompetencat e tyre të komunikimit, TIK-ut dhe qytetarisë.
Engineers of the ecosystem

Projekti eTwinning: Inxhinierët e Ekosistemit

Një projekt fitues eTwinning për studentët e moshës deri në 6 vjeç. Projekti i lejon studentët të studiojnë dhe të dizajnojnë shtëpi kafshësh dhe në këtë mënyrë të mësojnë rreth shkencës, teknologjisë, inxhinierisë, artit dhe matematikës në nivelin parashkollor.
eTwinner as pros

Projekti eTwinning: eTwinners si profesionistë

një projekt fitues eTwinning për studentët e moshës 7-11 vjeç. Projekti u mundëson studentëve të marrin një sërë rolesh profesionale për të mësuar rreth temave të ndryshme, dhe si pjesë e kësaj, të zhvillojnë njohuritë e tyre të agjencisë dhe mediave.

Drop'in: a catalogue of non-formal education methods for early school leaving prevention

The European Commission is working with Member States to implement comprehensive strategies to prevent early school leaving and to engage early school leavers in education and training. The project “DROP’IN” proposes: Formal and non-formal education must meet to fight against early school leaving and motivate people. What is meant here is motivating youngsters who have dropped out so they can go back to school and start their learning process again.

BLENDI – Blended Learning for Inclusion

Want to use the latest apps and technologies also in the classroom? Interested in learning more about your own digital skills? Need tips about staying safe online? The BLENDI platform is an Erasmus+ project aiming to empower educators in using blended learning in schools, in an attempt to deal with the social and educational exclusion of students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Climate Volunteers icon

Climate Volunteers

Climate Volunteers takes a broader look at the environment by having participants take part in discussions, collaborate on different assignments, learn how to use digital tools consciously and effectively, get a cultural understanding of climate change and practise their foreign language proficiency, all while raising awareness of the impact of climate change.
Hugging tree


eTreeHuggers highlights the cultural and historical significance of trees, starting with well-known trees such as Adonis in Greece, through educational activities revolving around trees in the participants’ area and their connection with people.