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European School Education Platform


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Projects (7)

Water is not an endless resource. Changing climatic conditions and environmental problems cause water resources to decrease. Persistent and good behavior is acquired at a young age. In our project...

National Quality Label

Новий курс eTwinning Plus України – «Кліматична освіта: що змінити в собі, щоб не змінювати клімат». Спікерка: Anastasiia Martynenko - голова ГО О.ЗЕРО та Zero Waste Alliance Ukraine, співзасновниця...

National Quality Label

Сучасна школа - не місце для насильства та дискримінації, її сила у різномаїтті.

To travel is to see, to listen, to write, to read, to discover, to learn, to record, to dream. to travel = to live How to live with etwinning?

This is a Twinspace dedicated for international training course between Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine. Course will happen in 19th and 26th of February.

Students will learn about the lifestyle of domestic and wild life."Red book"animals. Why and how to protect animals. How we can benefit from them in our daily life Whats the importance of Safari park.

National Quality Label

Dear Colleague A new project is about start and we need volunteer ,hardworking partners who are willing to work with us as hard as we do. Here is a short description of the project: - The first week...

National Quality Label