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European School Education Platform


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Projects (7)

Projemizin amacı; öğrencilerimizin temel duyu organlarını tanıyıp keşfetmeleri, duyu organlarının işlevlerini, duyu organlarımızın çevremizi ve hayatı algılayabilmekteki önemini kavratmaktır...

National Quality Label

Exchange of experience, scientific pursuit of phenomena in nature, the application of ICT knowledge and use of foreign languages in collaboration between schools, environmental education, for...

National Quality Label

Crosscurricular project, transdisciplinar and STE(A)M.

National Quality Label

The project assumes developing cognitive activity of children through STEM activities (STEM = science, technology, engineering, mathematics).

National Quality Label

To celebrate the fact that Tim Peake will be the first British Astronaut in space as part of an ESA mission, the RSC has devised the experiment in collaboration with the UK Space Agency. The main...

National Quality Label

These experiments are designed for mass participation using everyday items at home or in class, anywhere around the world. They aim to enhance science learning and encourage practical investigation...

National Quality Label

Cross-curricular educational project meant to help children to use foreign languages, to help them in developing research skills,to set them in the position of giving accurate observations optained by...

National Quality Label